Natural, Washed, Honey Coffee... We tell you everything!
The different treatments of coffee
Coffee processing is a crucial step in transforming coffee cherries into coffee beans ready for roasting. Each method influences the final flavor profile of the coffee, providing a variety of flavors and characteristics. Here’s a look at the different processing techniques:
1. Dry or natural processing (natural coffee)
After harvesting, the cherries are sorted and cleaned to remove impurities. Then, they are exposed to the sun for several weeks to dry evenly. Once dry, the cherries are shelled to keep only the beans. This treatment generally gives the coffee an intense character with fruity notes and a pronounced acidity, making it ideal for espressos.
![Dry or natural processing (natural coffee)](
2. Wet or washed processing (washed coffee)
In regions with high humidity, wet processing is preferred. The cherries are sorted, washed and pulped before being dried in the sun. This process involves fermenting the beans in water for a period of time, which adds aromatic complexity to the coffee. Washed coffee is distinguished by its clean, complex and aromatic profile, with a slight acidity, perfect for gentle extractions.
![Wet or washed processing (washed coffee)](
3. “Honey” or “pulped natural” treatment
In this process, the cherries are wet processed but dried naturally, without fermenting the beans in water. The mucilage remains attached to the bean during drying, adding additional flavors. Depending on the thickness of the remaining mucilage, the beans can turn yellow, red or black. This process produces a sweet, fruity and lively coffee, suitable for espressos and mild extractions.
4. Semi-washed treatment
Similar to wet processing, this process involves washing the cherries before drying, but without extended fermentation. The result is a fruitier coffee with moderate acidity, offering plenty of body in the cup.
5. “Giling Basah” treatment
This process, also known as "wet hulling," involves a two-stage drying process. First, the beans are pulped, then dried for a few days. Then, the last layer is removed, and drying continues. This method results in lightly colored beans with herbal, spicy, and earthy flavors.
Each processing method offers unique characteristics to the coffee, allowing producers and coffee lovers to explore a wide range of flavors and aromas.